Weeknotes 225
Single issue
It’s raining. I’m enjoying the cool London weather but I’m worried it won’t last.
I had a disjointed week without much momentum. I felt suddenly nauseous at work on Thursday and came home to groan in bed all afternoon and most of Friday. I’m basically fine now with only the lingering tail of a headache. I hope this was a random virus rather than the harbinger of some new migraine-centric lifestyle.
Yesterday I visited Black Cat for the last time. Its main staff are moving back to Spain and the co-op that runs it hasn’t been able to raise enough money to keep it going without them.
I found it surprisingly emotional to eat a final meal and say goodbye on the way out. Unlike the Shepherdess, which I associate with good times but bad food & service, Black Cat served genuinely excellent vegan meals in a welcoming and politically progressive environment. In hindsight it was a huge privilege to be able to pop in for lunch whenever I felt like it. I have so many happy memories there and I’m really sad I won’t be able to go back.
I voted. I’m grateful to stopthetories.vote for helping me decide how best to vote on the single issue I care about.
I watched Dune: Part Two at last. It’s good isn’t it? Epic, intimate, impressively legible, with remarkable restraint and clarity in its editing. This is what sci-fi blockbusters should be like. I’m already looking forward to the third film and trying not to get my hopes up too much about Rendezvous with Rama ever escaping development hell.
It mainly made me want to see more Florence Pugh. I’ve got Midsommar lined up for a rewatch.
I played enough of Dredge’s honest fish-related job simulator to recoup my demo progress, then played a bit further. It’s therapeutic fun but the mindless pleasure of the loot-upgrade-loot-upgrade cycle wore off after a few hours. I’ll probably come back and finish it at some point but I don’t feel compelled.
Well, it’s a good job I didn’t wait for the Fallout 4 update.
I ordered 48 posh toilet rolls from an online posh toilet roll supplier, then they sent the wrong kind of posh toilet roll, then I told them I’d received the wrong kind of posh toilet roll, then they apologised and sent me 48 more posh toilet rolls of the correct kind, so now I own 96 posh toilet rolls which is more than any human bum can comprehend. 🧻
It was only after reading a beautifully passive-aggressive page on scotland.com — which I assume is Scotland’s website — that I realised the animal in “there’s a moose loose aboot this hoose” is meant to be a small rodent rather than a giant deer. That makes more sense now that I think about it.