Weeknotes 264
Wonky charm
Good afternoon. Obviously I’ve voted for yourself.
On Monday night I met Anne, Russell & friends at the pub to ward off the imaginary Blue Monday. It was good to see some friendly faces, and then to go home before I got too sleepy.
It’s slowly but surely getting lighter in the mornings and evenings. It’s almost — but crucially not quite — at the point where I can face the prospect of going to the gym before work.
Not a workday goes by without somebody ratcheting up the frustration another notch. It remains to be seen how many notches the ratchet has, I suppose. I choose to stay serene.
In a similar vein, I’m just not thinking about the USA.
That’s all that happened this week really.
Series three of The Traitors concluded and I enjoyed the whole silly thing. It’s fun to allow yourself to get sucked into caring about the tiny dramatic contours of what is transparently a game of chance. Will so-and-so stab such-and-such in the back? Will this latest twist unravel the meticulous gameplan of whats-their-face? Literally doesn’t matter even if you do care about the outcome. Love it.
Here are this year’s percentages:
I do find it infuriating how the contestants continually remind each other of their reflexive pronouns. More woke nonsense from the BBC. (This is a joke.)
Severance season two is going well so far. The performances have got a little richer, I love the new title sequence and the music is just great. I remain optimistic yet slightly on edge about how many of the first season’s mysteries will be resolved.
I watched some more Twin Peaks, perhaps the ultimate comfort (and terror?) viewing. At this point I’m still deep within season one and it remains perfect television. I’m trying to anticipate whether I’ll have enough momentum to continue once I hit the bad part of season two; I’d certainly like to rewatch season three at some point so maybe that’ll be motivation enough.
I recommend this video about every piss in Heavy Rain, arguably the last good David Cage game. It’s been about fifteen years since I played it and my memories are hazy so this was a nice reminder of its wonky charm. Also, the word “piss” is inherently funny, especially when repeated enough times to achieve semantic satiation.
I used Whisper and FFmpeg to cobble together an automated supercut but it only half-worked:
It’s the thought that piss counts.